NλDλ eco atelier

Scraps that make its way

We invite you to discover a young Laurentian fashion designer who has chosen a path that is still unknown in Quebec, but which over the years has become a must in the fashion community, that is, ethical and eco-responsible fashion.

Sewing has been Laurence Oligny-Roy’s passion since she was 12 years old. At the end of her high school studies, she entered in the contest “Je m’amballe autrement” organized by Ethik Bgc, whose goal was to make her own ball gown in recycled materials.

It is in the context of this contest that the young woman is introduced to fashion made of recovered materials and is aware of the social and environmental issues of the fashion industry. Subsequently, she studied at Cégep Marie-Victorin in fashion design with the firm intention to bring a positive change in an industry that is not always ethical. In 2014, she won the first prize for the “La Gaillarde” brand competition. The goal was to create a collection of clothes made of ecological materials.


Involvement that is worth it

At school, Laurence discovers the Cooperative Les 7 vies whose mission is to recover the remaining tissue of the fashion school and give them a new life. She became a member and naturally involved herself by creating accessories for the Cooperative, but also by giving textile printing workshops. Today, in 2018, she holds the position of vice-president of the coop and gives workshops to transform the material.


Starting on solid grounds

In order to better structure her ideas and look for tools to start of her business on the right foot, Laurence took part in the start-up training offered by the Fonds d’Emprunt in Sainte-Adèle in April 2018. Her company, NλDλ eco atelier offers unisex clothing made from recycled materials or from organic farming. She is a great artist, inventive, but not limited to the creation of her collection, she takes time to fully understand each aspect of a company to better manage her own. This young designer is also involved in a project called Jeunes volontaires which will allow her to acquire new skills and create a network of contacts.

“I was very satisfied with Nathalie’s availability, listening and comments. The support offered after the training is really needed and appreciated. Through the Fonds d’Emprunt’s advice, I gained professional confidence to fulfill my project.”

Do not hesitate to contact Laurence to discuss your needs or to find out more on her upcomming collection. Visit her Facbook page to see her creations and learn more about the designer and her company.