About us
Our mission
Our mission: entrepreneurship and financial independence.

Overview Loan Fund
Women’s financial autonomy was always the main concerns of the Fonds d’Emprunt communautaire féminin (FECF). Since 1997 the “FECF” offer exclusive services to women in the Laurentians, such as group sessions and microcredit.
However, for some years, the economic slowdown affects all workers of the region in a significant way. Developing financial autonomy by means of entrepreneurship becomes for everyone, men and women, an effective and liable solution to avoid economic distress. In order to better serve the community in 2010, “FECF” becomes “FEL: Fonds d’Emprunt des Laurentides”, and helps families by allowing men to obtain microcredit and support to develop their entrepreneurial project.
Over the years, “FECF” developed an approach specialized to meet the needs of women. There is no doubt that a lot of challenges are encountered by entrepreneurs, men and women. On the other hand, it seems that women are exposed to specific needs in the stages of starting up and growth of their business.
Even if the creation of “FEL” comes along with some novelties, the stakes surrounding the feminine entrepreneurship remain and will always be a priority for us. Consequently, group classes such as Loan Circles for Women and “Entreprendre son projet” will be exclusively offered to women. Proud of our achievements, “FEL” keeps on working with women while giving microcredit access to a largest number.
The mission of “FECF” throughout these years has always been the struggle against poverty. “FEL” continues on this way: with this new mission, women and men will get support in their entrepreneurship initiatives and participate in the economic growth of their region, while improving living conditions to their family and themselves.

Satisfied Entrepreneurs
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Make Donation
Your donations allow us to offer more resources and tools to entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs. A great way to promote the development of our local economy!